Monday, March 24, 2008

NEHEMIAH, Part I: No Problem Too Big with Help (Excerpts from the Giants)

Nehemiah set a good example for us by seeking help from others to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.

1. How reluctant/eager are you to ask for help?

* I am generally slow to ask for help, as a last resort...but when I do: 1. Prayer comes first. 2.Try to handle the situation by using physical family members. 3. Reluctantly will ask others for short term help...especially if they have already offered to be of assistance.

* I don't like asking for help. I don't like accepting help when it is offered- even to the point of making people mad or upset that I won't take their help. :-) I'm not sure all the reasons for it.

* I definitely prefer to offer help, not ask for it. Usually when I get to the point of having to ask, the task has already become burdensome or overwhelming, and I don't want to 'drag' anyone else into the mess. But I am grateful when I look back and see the many times family and friends have been there to help 'rebuild the walls' that have crumbled around me at times.

* It is hard for all of us to ask for help. But there are times when we cannot do it alone. I ask God for help, then my physical family. I'm just so glad that I also have my spiritual family to depend on.

* There was a time in my life when I didn't like asking for help. I use to think I could handle it, i.e deal with any problem all by myself. Now, how foolish was that? I've learned to recognize when a problem or situation is just too big for me to handle. Then, the first thing I do is go to the Lord in prayer. After that, I talk to anybody that will listen. (smile)

* If someone offers help, I now remind myself that maybe I am more overwhelmed than I realize (or I'm about to be). Others who have worked through the same task or situation I am working can probably see the outcome further down the road. I am caught up in the moment, or the day or week, etc.
There have been times when I could see that if a person doesn't get help soon they are going to be in trouble. I can see that because I have been there or I have a better view of the problem because I'm not in "it". I try to remind myself that the person offering help to me may be seeing my situation better than I do.

* I have trouble asking for help, too…Part of it is my natural tendency to be independent and self-sufficient. Part of it is arrogance that my way is the best/only way and I might as well do it myself if I want it done right. Part of it is I only feel close enough to a few people to ask for help.

* It's possible if we don't ask someone for help when we need it, we may be denying another person an opportunity to be blessed, too…There have been many times when I have gone to help someone and ended up being blessed myself, sometimes more than they are... so this is just something to think about when we are hesitant to ask for help.

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