Saturday, December 29, 2007

Get in the Word----Daily Bible Reading

It’s almost January 1. Again.

How many Christians are resolving, once again, to read through the Bible in a year? And how many more have given up ever resolving that again, after bogging down in Leviticus by mid-February and conceding total defeat?

Want a more workable plan? Take 2 years instead. It’s really not sacrilege, and your chance of success is more than doubled. Revised from a chronological plan handed out at Central a few years back, this plan takes 60 weeks to read through the Old Testament,
and 35 weeks through the New Testament.

Readings are only for 5 days a week instead of 7, again increasing your likelihood of success. And because the schedule is padded for only 95 weeks of reading in 2 years, you have a safety net for catch-up days (and weeks!).

Ten years from now: would you rather have never made it through the Bible from a too-grandiose one-year plan, or made it through 5 times from a slower reading plan? (Or even 3 times from a 3-year plan?)

The goal, of course, is never to just check the box by reading some words. However, there will be days like that; don’t let that stop you. Remember that the Spirit is more powerful than our faulty motivation. So read anyway. And check the box if it makes you feel better.

But keep your eyes open—even in our struggling-to-read days, God works in mighty ways to bless our efforts to know Him.

Even in Leviticus.

You shall follow my rules and keep my statutes and walk in them.
I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 18:4


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