Wednesday, June 04, 2008

How Sharp Is Your Sword?

" …Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
~ Ephesians 6:17

“I need to liven up my daily Bible reading.”

“I really have no clue on how to study the Bible; I’ve never done it.”

“How can I avoid boredom from re-reading the same stories I’ve read a million times?”

“I can’t stay awake to read the Bible.”

Can you relate to any of these? We can. We spoke them all tonight—in a class coordinated by David Nance, “Improving Your Personal Bible Study”, held on Wednesday nights this summer to address these very issues and more.

The Lord has placed us in a community of believers to learn from each other and to help each other grow. Opportunities such as these provide extra encouragement as well as new skills to nurture our individual relationships with God, and consequently with each other.

Take the first challenge to the class: commit to reading the Bible every day this quarter (now through August). Even when you don’t understand the prophecies, even when you’re in the boring genealogies, even when you’ve read it before. Read it anyway. At least a little. Every day.

“I want encouragement by seeing how excited other people are about studying.”

“There are people I don’t know, and I can get to know them in this way.”

“I imagine we’ll see that the Word is a lot bigger than we individually experience it.”

Let the Scriptures come alive to you and lead you into the very heart of God. There’s no better place to be!

"For the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
~ Hebrews 4:12

"Your words were found, and I ate them,
and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts."
~ Jeremiah 15:16

1 comment:

  1. I had a sneaky suspicion some kind of post like this would appear tonight. To quote E D "well done" ...

    Thanks for the encouragement and challenge!
