Sunday, November 11, 2007

Chapter 4: Saved by the ____

Story, 2 Chronicles 16

Once upon a time, there was a king of Judah named Asa. In days of old, he had defeated mighty armies despite their great numbers of chariots and horsemen because he relied on the Lord.

The Lord saved him and gave him victory.

This time, he turned away from the Lord’s mercy. Instead, he asked other nations for help.

The prophet of Judah knew that King Asa was making a big mistake, and told him so. “You have done foolishly in this; from now on you will have wars.”

This enraged King Asa so deeply that he threw the prophet into prison.

King Asa became afflicted with a horrible foot disease. And even though his disease was severe, he stubbornly refused to ask for help from the only One who could save him, but sought healing from his many physicians instead.

King Asa died.

Do I even need God? I don’t commit big sins; I go to church every week; I put money in the plate every Sunday; I even fill out a blue card. Isn’t that enough to get me into heaven?

* I have not been saved by my own works but by a gift from God—grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8,9
* God has saved me not because of righteous works I have done, but because of his mercy. Titus 3:5
* It is the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that gives me eternal life. Jude 21
* I give thanks to God because of his great mercy in giving me new life. 1 Peter 1:3
* God has saved me not because of anything I have done but because he gave me grace in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:9

Works don’t add up. Grace is what saves.

--from Wednesday's class, Nov. 7

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