Monday, November 05, 2007

I told you so....

Story: David spares Saul ,1 Samuel 23, 24

This was his big chance.

After hiding day after day in the caves and canyons of treacherous desert, eluding King Saul’s murderous hunt, the tables had turned. Saul was now easy prey—trapped in a compromising position in the very cave where David was huddled. Revenge was so near that David snipped off a corner of the royal robe.

Now was David’s opportunity to kill this maniac king and collect his due. His men urged him on, and for justifiable reason. David had done nothing to deserve the death threats from Saul. David—the soother of Saul’s very own soul, time after time. David—the one hand-picked by God to be the next king of Israel. David—the befriender of Saul’s son. If anyone had a right to exact revenge, it was David.

How easily do we desire revenge when it is our due? Especially when our “big chance” is right in the palm of our hand, and we’re being urged on by others? Wouldn’t revenge be sweet when it is most obviously warranted?

Wouldn’t at least a tiny “I told you so!” be understandable?

But David held back. Instead of payback, he paid homage. Not because Saul’s character was worthy of it. Not even because of David’s character per se.

Then why? Because of God’s character. David knew enough about the Lord to trust him to judge and avenge. He did not have to take matters in his own hands, because the matter would be better settled in God’s hands.

When we seek revenge, can we hold back and trust God to handle matters instead? Do we have enough faith in God’s character to allow him to avenge the wrongs in our lives, in his timing, in his way? Without our help? When our Saul is within our grasp, can we open up our hands and let him go? Because we trust the righteous character of God?

Our certain security is in God’s justice. He tells us so. Believe him.

--Lisa B.

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