Thursday, March 20, 2008

ABRAHAM: God Always Does the Right Thing (Excerpts from the Giants)

Abraham had to learn patience while waiting on God to fulfill His promises.

1. In which areas do you struggle with God?

* With impatience….I definitely knew God had a plan for us; He was taking care of us; and that all would work out--but my impatient self wanted it to work out a lot sooner.

* I have been struggling with impatience for a number of years. As a matter of fact, I pray about it at least once a day. …Sometimes I get impatient if I'm puzzled by events taking place in my life. Sometimes I want answers revealed sooner. I am learning to "Stand Still" as my grandmother use to say. "God will let you know in due time." She was right.

* I always want to understand before I obey. (Even though I heard from my mother at least 1,000+ "because I said so".) …Even after I obey, there will still be many things I don't understand about God…Where the patience comes in is believing that as my righteousness grows, God will increase my understanding according to what He knows I need.

* What God has promised to me has pretty much already been fulfilled through Jesus. He promises grace, but that's mine to accept already, and He promises peace, but doesn't promise that we won't have troubles, etc.

* There have been many times when I have struggled with being completely confused about what God was doing in my life only to look back a few months later and see how everything had fallen into place perfectly, as only He who can see eternity could do.

* I see God as the ultimate Sovereign, so I know His ways are not mine and that I should not question Him as far as wondering what He is doing…God always does what He promises and the right thing. It is important we know those promises and not expect more or less than what he promised. He works everything to our good if we are called according to His purpose. (Rom.8:28).

2. Name something that you are surrendering to God.

* sense of controlling my time the way I want to use it versus letting God do what HE wants to with my time. Too often I think I don’t have enough time to do all the things that I want to do; I have to remind myself that God will always give me enough time to do the things that HE wants me to do. And find peace in that.

* At times it feels hard just to surrender in a general way, let alone the specifics. Also, since it doesn't seem like God usually speaks to us as directly as he did to Abraham—"Go kill your son Isaac"—it can be a little difficult in some situations to know God's will.

* As I was reading this chapter, it really made me realize how I need to grow in my trust for God.

* It is very hard to surrender your children and there come times when you must...I found I had to let go, and let God and them work things out. …I do well at this awhile and then I find myself trying to figure a way. I have to come back to my senses and in humility remember the absurdity of thinking I could fix anything. Then I pray for them and for myself.

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