Monday, March 17, 2008

REBEKAH: Give Generously to Others (Excerpts from the Giants)

With no obvious incentive to do so, Rebekah gave freely by watering the camels of Jacob’s servant. She was richly blessed by God as a result.

1. What hinders you from giving freely?

* My biggest hindrance—my rationalizations. Satan tries to make me rationalize that I don't need to give because others are giving, or that I don't have to give because they probably don't really need it. ...Giving to others is what God commands us to do, whether or not it's actually needed. I try to constantly remember this quote from Elisabeth Elliot: "No service offered to God is ever wasted."

* After working all day on Wednesdays--there are times when I am tired and would love to just go home, sit down and relax. BUT after getting here I am so refreshed and encouraged by everything/everyone.

* Every time we give to “somebody”, we’re really giving worship to God as well. We always have a need for that.

* I have noticed oftentimes when I am wondering whether I need to give as much as usual or to something more, a financial gift will come my way to make it work.

* God has taught me that he doesn't need my money; he just wants my heart/obedience.

* Sometimes I hesitate when I feel that the receiving person does not appreciate the effort or use the gift in a beneficial way...but then I realize that God is judging hearts, not me!

2. When have you benefited by others giving freely to you?

* Since I have been in the church I have had numerous people share with me time, laughter, wisdom, comfort. I have truly been blessed in this area and I love giving too….The difficulty is often where, how and when to use time and resources, not "If". Giving to others keeps me mindful of God's blessings to me. Jesus's words, "it is more blessed to give than to receive" is not a platitude.

* I benefited from a sister’s generosity in praying for me about a project. It takes time and commitment and heart to pray consistently for someone else’s need, but she was very faithful to both pray for me and to follow up by asking me questions about it and giving me constant encouragement. It was the best gift I could get.

* “When we give generously, we receive more than we would ever think possible.” It’s very generous of God to always give US a blessing when we try to bless others. He is so faithful to always outgive us!

* Being generous with one's time, talents, heart, resources, etc. to those around us is an integral part of our Christianity. All we have is what God has given us; how can we not be generous to others?

* My parents were not only generous with material things. They generously took the risk of being hurt over and over by me. They always prayed for me. We always benefit from the prayer of others said on our behalf.

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