Monday, March 31, 2008

SERVANT GIRL: Small Act Can Make Big Difference (Excerpts from the Giants)

Commander Naaman had leprosy. A young slave girl in his house knew a healer. Despite immense differences in position between the slave and the commander, the girl still shared her knowledge of the prophet Elisha with Naaman so that he could be cured.

What types of people are you hesitant to share your faith with? Why?

* The arrogant. Those who think they’re too “smart” to believe such nonsense as Christianity.

* I feel nervous around people who I don't know are believers or not.
There are unbaptized believers that only need additional teaching. Sometimes we will agree to disagree. Even in this case we still have a respect and connection with each other. They are much less intimidating.
Angry and mean people scare me too. People who are obviously hard and disrespectful of God from the first time you meet them.

* Belligerent people are a fear to me, too. There's so much violence in the world today... On the other hand, there's a chance to prove Proverbs 15:1, "A soft answer turns away wrath."
This little servant girl had probably seen her master angry. He was angry when he was told by the SERVANT of the prophet to wash in the JORDAN RIVER.
"Voice of the Martyrs" details current persecution and deaths of Christians around the world. It is SO inspirational to see how God empowers His people to respond to threats and violence.

* With working with teens, I understand that people dress--should I say "differently". So I do try to get to know the individual a little before making any kind of preconceived judgment about them.

* It's actually a lot easier for me to share my faith with relative strangers than with friends... probably because I'm scared that my friends might think differently about me or that our friendship might somehow change.
But really, I need to start focusing on my friends who would probably listen to me more because of knowing me personally and who I care about more because of knowing them personally.

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