Friday, March 28, 2008

NEHEMIAH, Part III: No Problem Too Big with Help (Excerpts from the Giants)

3. Share a task that you undertook with others that brought glory to God and lifted your own spirits.

* Painting the 3rd grade room with Misty Whiting and Joyce Davis was fun and encouraged me! Also- whenever our Life Talk does a "service" project, I am usually encouraged by doing that with my friends, whether it is visiting our Sunriser or cleaning something.

* Leading the Women's Committee was a step of faith for me and it turned out wonderfully because of the participation of many others.
It was Lana Moore's idea to do the birthday theme; it was Julia Wright's idea to have the mentor presentations; it was Deborah Brown who was always getting all the food plans straight; Beth Bentley did the Secret Sister stuff; and Misty Whiting, Beth Martin, Joyce Davis and Mary Callins were faithful in tying up loose ends and doing whatever they were asked.
And don't forget all the sisters who shared their testimonies…and many others who were involved in the trip to serve the ladies in Long Beach.
Thank you, God, for your faithfulness.

* I never could/would have undertaken the Katrina clean-up trips without our groups. Although the trips were hard in a lot of ways, they were so worth it. I saw God in fresh ways through the people we helped as well as through the brothers/sisters that were doing the work. It still boosts my spirits just to think back on it.

* Over the years, helping others to grow in their faith walk and service has been the most meaningful task for me; to see others gaining confidence in using their talents for God is a great joy to me.

* When Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, Paul Gibbs went and was overwhelmed. He took two men on his second trip. When the three came back, again overwhelmed with the destruction and the great human suffering, their compassion began to spill over.
Finally there were close to 100 people from Central who went, some several times, and much "sweat" was donated, with money, supplies, hugs and tears. Their zeal was contagious to others.
God often puts the same dream into more than one person so that His people will function as a whole.

* Rewarding times for me have been mission trips with our teens. Watching them share is unbelievable! Also going to Rainbow Omega--watching the residents' faces when we pull up in our van and talk/sing/play with them is so rewarding. It's great to share Jesus with someone and watch the light "come on" when they understand and want to follow Him.

* The trip to Mississippi was an uplifting experience. I enjoyed being with Kim Story on the drive, and having time with brothers and sisters… I met Charlene Hicks (age 78 and a cancer patient, an elder's wife at Long View. We hit it off.). She cooked with me and gave me her dumpling recipe but when I got home I had lost it.
Last year, she died before I could get it from her again. But guess what? Just before Christmas, I opened the little Bible I took on the trip. The recipe fell into my lap. It was a very pleasant find and a reminder of how I who went to help storm victims was myself helped.
It is comforting too since Charlene has gone on that I still have her handwritten recipe from a time when we fed others and were ourselves nourished. She was truly one of those that Philemon speaks of who refreshed the brethren.

* While pondering on Nehemiah this morning, one of the things that came to my mind was the wisdom of God in not allowing us to see the future. Would Nehemiah have ever taken that first step if he had known all the hardships that he would endure in the process?
When I look back on "big projects" in my life, physical and spiritual, I am just amazed. It is that one-step-at-a-time mentality with God and my brothers and sisters at my side that accomplishes unbelievable things.
That first step is SOOOOOO important.

* I find I am continually being blessed from a simple but needed ride to town (Remember, Brenda?) to one taking my place on short notice for Tues. Bible class (Kay, thanks) to another being coordinator and last minute baby sitter on Tues. (Sue, thank you) to one listening and commiserating about the worry over a pregnant daughter making a long drive home (Pat, I needed you.) And these are just 4 examples.
May all of us continue to reach out and love one another and do the work God has created us to do. May we all know one another better so that we have more to thank God for on each remembrance of one another. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ and to God the Father!

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