Who you gonna trust?
What you can see? ...or what you can’t?
The visible? …or the invisible?
The temporary? …or the permanent?
The numbers? …or the nails?
Which is real…and lasting…and guaranteed?
We each have a set of numbers that define us and describe who we are. Your set of numbers is as individual to you as your fingerprints are.
What are your numbers?
Your age…your weight…your shoe size…social security #…monthly rent…student i.d.…blood pressure…car mileage…your vision…savings balance…your cholesterol…favorite TV channel…cell number…your semester hours…401K balance…your PIN number…songs on iPod…memory capacity…weekly paycheck…best 5K time….
We know a lot of numbers. And if your numbers are good, hey, life is sweet. You’re safe, right? It’s easy to place our confidence in numbers. But are they lulling us into a false sense of security (or insecurity)?
Are they promising safety where there is none?
Is our faith only in what we can see and count?
Are our idols molded out of…numbers?We live in a world that places high value on numbers and statistics and scientific facts—things that can be seen and supposedly proven--which can be very good things, but they’re not
sure things, not things worthy of our trust.
As citizens in an unshakable kingdom, our aim is to
stay focused on spiritual things, which are often invisible things, things that can’t necessarily be measured in tangible ways, things like love, joy, righteousness, and peace.
Place your trust in the nails, i.e. the grace of Jesus. Only here is
100% guaranteed, eternal safety."Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." Colossians 3:2--from Wednesday's class, Nov. 7